General Dermatology


General dermatology issues include common problems such as psoriasis, eczema, and adult acne, and rarer problems such as autoimmune blistering disorders, unusual drug reactions, and lymphoma of the skin. At your visit, Dr. Kopelman will ask about the history of your problem, review any prior tests, look at any areas of concern, and may recommend additional testing including blood tests, skin cultures, or skin biopsies, which can be performed in her office.

Some of the more common skin conditions that Dr. Kopelman treats are:

  • psoriasis

  • eczema

  • adult acne

  • hair loss (alopecia)

  • auto-immune skin conditions including vitiligo and lupus

  • hives



In addition to General Dermatology problems, which can occur in either adults or children, Dr. Kopelman is experienced in evaluating common childhood skin conditions such as:

  • acne

  • warts

  • molluscum


Please see the American Academy of Dermatology website for useful descriptions and information about various skin disorders.